First of all, I would like to tell you that I have created an outfit in the spirit of giving to help aid the Relay for Life. You can find the free outfit near the RFL kiosks at both Shapes by Kira on the Flawless sim and the Corrupted Innocence store on Corrupted Innocence. Donations are not necessary to receive the gift, but they are greatly appreciated.

Now, about that job! Corrupted Innocence is seeking designers for the new Corrupted Innocence sim. Corrupted Innocence is dedicated to quality merchendise in various forms. At this time, we do not need any more skin, shape, shoe, or furniture designers. If you are a designer and would like to be a part of our team, please come and look at the store, first. Then, please submit a notecard to Kira Paderborn containing your name, your store name, and the types of products that you sell, along with a full perm ad from your store (I would like to see your vendor art, please.) by no later than Friday March 20, 2009 at 8pm SLT. After looking at the applications, you may be asked to submit a design to Kira Paderborn to be further considered. If you think your items will fit in on the Corrupted Innocence sim, and you are dedicated to quality, I would love to hear from you!
Thanks so much!
Kira Paderborn
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