/me grabs the Petal Purse by Shiny Things from Chignon's post, runs then dives into the deep dark bottomless inventory. Tossing things left and right over my shoulder in search of the perfect items, I found myself actually sorting. O.O
Finally found my most favorite Chiffon pants from Daphne's store, ve.ne'ra.re. Layered delicate material forms the bootleg-like bottom which just gives you feeling of 'oh so sophisticated and dressy' yet casual and comfortable. I love these pants.
Next, I needed a top that would do all the pants do and in a great color. When I think of soft, light, beautiful detail and textures that make you believe you could wear them in RL, I think Zaara. So, I found my Zaara folder and pleasantly surprised my self with the Kavi top that I had forgotten I had. Wooot! I can't have Zaara pass through my thoughts and not remember how I first found her. The jewelry, sigh, I remember being so excited and IM'ing or TP'ing in friends to show them all my new discovery. Therefore, I just had to wear the Kaya onyx silver set to compliment my ensemble.
Back to the item I picked to relay, the Shiny Things Petal Purse. I have to be honest and tell you I had already bought this the day before, so I was very excited to see it as one of my options. I have every posible flower from Fallingwater so there was no doubt I had to get this the minute I heard about it, loving her flowers as I do. Then my friend Ponk asked me if I was carrying a big tongue around and now, I can't see the petal, I see a big tongue. Its a great tongue though, and I carry my tongue with much pride thank you very much. :p
To go along with my tongue I needed the Shiny things Plainers, because well, because they are awesome and they are open toed but you can't see my SLeet. *smiles* I like that.
Moving along to the hair, I have one thing to say, try on before you judge. I never have been a Minnu person, oops I mean a LeLutka person but this [LeLutka] Peta hair has been on my head for days now. What is up with all the name changing everyone is doing? You know how long it took me to get to learn all these names to begin with, geeze. I also didn't want to sport new Maitreya hair like everyone and their sister, I will wait a bit and then bring it out and start the wave again LOL.
Oh, the skin, yummy. This is Emporio Caproni, Tessy and I want to lick my lips.
/me hollars over to Gidge I'm done, your up. Good luck and have fun, I know I did. Thank you Sasy this is a blast! Even with all the camera and pose stand issues I entailed, I half expected Murrphy to show up anyway.
All credits:
Emporio Caproni 'EC Skin v2 ~ Tessy ~ Tanned ~ Line ~ D5'
[LeLutka]-PETA_A - Gold Blond Hair
ve.ne'ra.re ** Chiffon Pants ** Black
Zaara : Kavi top *pink*
Zaara : Kaya Onyx Silver earrings, necklace and braclets
*REDGRAVE* Ring black saphire / oversize / L
Purse:(Shiny Things) Petal Bag - valentine
Shoes: (Shiny Things) Plainers - pink
Digital Eyes - Fashionable accessories - Sunglasses 101
I am glad you got to the other side of the hair disappearing bug, great post, you gave it a licking :P
xox Sasy xox
Ha Ha Sasy! TY!
/me licks
I love your post!! Great job!! <3
Amazing how far all the outfits stray from the one before it. Such a fun idea!
I agree, and I think we should do one of these all the time, b/c with as many of us there are, we have plenty of time in between posts. It's so fun to watch! TY Adaire!
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